READY Services

Culture of Ready has helped churches experience God when many least expect it: during a capital campaign or generosity initiative.

We serve you realizing it is one thing to produce tangible results, quite another to do so as profound spiritual realities are experienced along the way.
Culture Assessment

Our culture assessment will give us a grasp of your present reality and the desire for a new defined vision so that you can act on it.

Leadership Readiness

Shepard your leaders into a spiritual process that is foundational to giving. Our goal is to involve a significant percentage of members in some leadership/volunteer capacity of the campaign through a communication plan, training, and early commitments.

Team Building

Clear communication fosters campaign ownership from members. Shine the light on your vision and invite others to participate through strategic exercises of faith.

Capital Campaigning

Doug's capital campaign counsel has helped churches raise over $1 billion. Interviews and focus groups provide insight into campaign preparedness and will kickstart the process of learning how to generously give.

High CapacityDonor Training

A major donor approach will challenge high-capacity givers in principles of stewardship, leadership influence, and fulfillment of financial potential.

Culture of Ready Campaign: From God to Generosity

This new model of generosity provides direction for members on developing a culture that encourages and stimulates generosity. Time and talent are also addressed.