Investing in the Future: Planning for Campaign Costs

A Culture of Ready will bring a return on your investment. Of the largest campaigns done in the history of this work, A Culture of Ready stands at the top as the strongest producer in results. Even in smaller churches, we value to maximize your financial results while honoring God and you in the process.

Campaign fees vary based on the level of service needed and size of the church

At Culture of Ready, we can provide capital campaign counsel in a variety of formats to fit your budget. Our Culture of Ready Generosity initiative also can be customized to your needs and budget.

For fund raising campaign expenses, consider the following:

Communications Budget

Fewer churches print all campaign material, choosing to publish digital content also. Culture of Ready also has a partnership with providers who can deliver excellent print material.

Video Production

Video is a great storytelling element for your campaign. If you don’t have video production capability, Culture of Ready can provide video production service for you or you can choose a provider you know locally.

Event Budget

Event campaign expenses are determined by the campaign design at the conclusion of the Culture Assessment.