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6 Values for Generosity Campaign and Initiative


Stewardship is part of our identity in Christ. Generosity is never simply an engaged activity but an identity shaped by our understanding of following Christ.


To communicate thoroughly so everyone will have the opportunity to understand God’s vision. The campaign response will come from a place of deep understanding and not simply a rationale for a new building or initiative. In other words, helping people understand the “why” in your vision, and “Who” shapes your future, not simply explaining the “what".


To challenge everyone to engage spiritually before making any financial response. In other words, for individuals to experience God in the process and not simply raise funds.

Safe Place

To create a safe place for people to process meaningful generosity. For many, giving feels like a risky endeavor requiring safe space to process over time. The pacing of the process is crucial. We encourage everyone to ask questions for clarity and understanding.

Principle of Proportionate Giving

To ask each person to determine God’s Will in this vision campaign proportionate to his/her ability to give.

Joyful Atmosphere

To create an atmosphere so no one will give up under duress or pressure. Everyone who gives should experience great joy as a result.

Repeat Campaigns

Repeat campaigns are a testimony to Culture of Ready commitment to relationships and excellence. Partnership deepens to relationship for many of our churches. More than once, Doug Turner and the Culture of Ready has worked multiple times with Willow Creek Community Church, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Granger Community Church, Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale, Church of the Resurrection, Mariner’s Church and Eagle Brook Church. 

Doug Turner was my first personal coach in fund-raising and stewardship, and he changed my life and ministry. Doug served as our main consultant for two very successful capital campaigns at Redeemer. I highly recommend him and his services to any church or organization that wants to grow in these same areas.

Tim Keller

Redeemer Presbyterian Church

One of the best decisions we made in preparing for our capital campaign was bringing Doug Turner on our team. His experience with big projects and his insights about large donors made a real difference in the outcome of our campaign. Our people committed to give more than $138M.

Walter Guillaume

First Baptist Church
Dallas, TX

I have personally known Doug Turner for many years. His insight to stewardship, vision casting and motivating God’s people to give is truly a gift. The clear application of biblical principles to giving is failsafe in the lives of all believers.

Dr. Bryant Wright

Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
Marietta, GA

For the leadership of the church in general and a pastor in particular during the opportunities of a Capital Campaign initiative there is probably nothing more helpful and encouraging than a Godly, spiritually focused, and Biblically informed consultant. Without hesitation it is my privilege to commend Doug Turner and his ministry to fill that extraordinary need to any and all facing such an opportunity.

Harry L. Reeder, III

Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Birmingham, AL

Doug Turner has been an incredible encourager to me and the churches I’ve served through the years. He helped our team navigate two very successful generosity initiatives, which not only enabled us to build much needed facilities but set us up for future outreach. If you are trying to instill a spirit of generosity and help people see that Jesus was right about giving being better than getting, then Doug’s your guy!

Mike Breaux

Eastside Christian Church
Anaheim, CA

In my 21 years as pastor at Shades we have conducted four capital initiatives and Doug Turner has been our main consultant for all of them. He brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and expertise. In each of our initiatives, he added new creative ideas and approaches and kept the process fresh. Doug is a joy to work with and relates well to all our staff and lay leadership.

Dr. Danny Wood

Shades Mountain Baptist Church
Birmingham, AL